Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What is Business Ethics?

Business ethics is the actions that a business adheres to in its daily communication with the world. The ethics of a particular business can be diverse. They apply not only to how the business interact with the world at large, but also to their one-on-one communication with a single client.
Many businesses have gained a bad status just by being in business. To some people, businesses are interested in making money, and that is the bottom line. It could be called capitalism in its purest form. Making money is not wrong in itself. It is the way in which some businesses behavior themselves that brings up the question of ethical actions.
Good business ethics should be a part of every business. There are many factors to reflect on. When a company does business with another that is considered unethical, does this make the first company unethical by organization? Some people would say yes, the first business has a accountability and it is now a link in the chain of unethical businesses.
Many global businesses, including most of the major brands that the public use, can be seen not to think too highly of good business ethics. Many major brands have been fined millions for breaking ethical big business laws. Money is the major decide factor.


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